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來源:http:/// 日期:2021-11-06
1. The whole vehicle adopts German Bosch Rexroth control and hydraulic transmission system;
★ 2、智能化控制系統(tǒng):以進口的車載控制器為核心運算單元,通過駕駛倉中的液晶顯示屏設(shè)置撒鋪量,操作人員只需要輸入撒鋪的重量與寬度,系統(tǒng)會自動計算相關(guān)參數(shù)進行撒鋪工作。
★ 2. Intelligent control system: with the imported vehicle controller as the core computing unit, the spreading amount is set through the LCD in the driver's cabin. The operator only needs to input the spreading weight and width, and the system will automatically calculate relevant parameters for spreading.
★ 3、稱重計量:可作為收料計重,上料時可顯示即時料位,料滿自動報警??筛鶕?jù)施工要求換算出撒鋪平方數(shù),根據(jù)要求可檢驗撒鋪標(biāo)準(zhǔn),實時顯示當(dāng)前剩余物料重量。
★ 3. Weighing and metering: it can be used as material receiving and weighing. When loading, the real-time material level can be displayed, and the automatic alarm will be given when the material is full. The spreading square can be converted according to the construction requirements, the spreading standard can be inspected according to the requirements, and the current remaining material weight can be displayed in real time.
★ 4、撒鋪量:每5~40公斤之間任意調(diào)節(jié);
★ 4. Spreading amount: 5 ~ 40kg per square meter can be adjusted arbitrarily;
★ 5、撒鋪寬度:采用5套獨立控制系統(tǒng),每套系統(tǒng)可獨立工作。撒鋪寬度0.25米~2.5米,以0.25米為單位任意調(diào)節(jié),每套系統(tǒng)撒鋪量均可單獨調(diào)節(jié);
★ 5. Spreading width: 5 sets of independent control systems are adopted, and each system can work independently. The spreading width is 0.25m ~ 2.5m, which can be adjusted arbitrarily in the unit of 0.25m, and the spreading amount of each system can be adjusted separately;
★ 6、全套報警系統(tǒng):車輛前后自動監(jiān)控和錄像,施工過程全部記錄;當(dāng)液壓油油溫超過45度時,車輛將報警并自動開啟降溫功能;當(dāng)粉料裝滿倉,駕駛室內(nèi)液晶顯示,蜂鳴器報警,判斷倉滿。
★ 6. Full set of alarm system: automatic monitoring and video recording before and after the vehicle, and all records of the construction process; When the hydraulic oil temperature exceeds 45 ℃, the vehicle will alarm and automatically turn on the cooling function; When the powder is filled in the bin, the LCD in the cab and the buzzer will give an alarm to judge that the bin is full.
★ 7、除塵、均整系統(tǒng):車輛配有脈沖式除塵系統(tǒng),整個施工過程沒有空氣污染;出料口配有均整器,使粉料的撒鋪更均勻平整;
★ 7. Dust removal and leveling system: the vehicle is equipped with pulse dust removal system, and there is no air pollution in the whole construction process; The discharge port is equipped with an equalizer to make the powder spreading more uniform and flat;
★ 8、操作系統(tǒng)簡單易學(xué),只需一名駕駛員5分鐘可掌握;
★ 8. The operating system is simple and easy to learn, and only one driver can master it in 5 minutes;
★ 9、可以撒鋪水泥、白灰等粉料;
★ 9. Cement, lime and other powder materials can be spread;
★ 10、裝料方式:利用粉料運輸車壓力輸入撒布車料箱內(nèi)。
★ 10. Loading method: use the pressure of the powder transport vehicle to input into the material box of the spreader.
The content of this article is provided to you by the cement spreader rental. We focus on customer needs, continuous development and provide customers with more services. For details, please refer to our website http://
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